Registration is necessary to participate in the Meeting. Early registration offers a discounted participation fee.

Late Registration
Thursday, May 16th, 2024 ~ Friday, June 28th, 2024


Registration is necessary for attending the Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan.

Early Registration rates are available until Wednesday, May 15th, 2024. Late Registration rates will be applied on Thursday, May 16th or later. (Please refer to the "Registration Fees & Payment" tab)

Only Regular or Student Members of the RNA Society of Japan who have paid their Annual Membership Fees for the Fiscal Year 2023 can register their presentation as a Presenting Author. If you are not a member of the Society and wish to participate in the Meeting, we recommend you to join the Society at this opportunity.

For the Early and Late Registration, please use the "Registration" button below.

We ask all participants to process the online registration here.

Registration Certificates (Name Tags) and Receipts

For this year's meeting, to alleviate congestion at the registration desk on the day of the event, we will automatically issue a PDF version of the "Registration Certificates (Name Tag)" and "Receipt" upon registration. These documents will be attached to the registration completion notification email sent to each registrant. Attendees are required to color print these documents on A4 paper, fold them into quarters to make an A6 size, and use them as a certificates (name tag) for entry into both the oral/poster presentation venues and the reception.

  • Registration CertificatesThere will be separate certificates for the "Presentation Venue" and the "Social Gathering Venue", displaying the "Affiliated Name + Participant's Name" in both Japanese and English.
  • Receipt: Separate receipts will be issued for the "Registration Fee" and the "Social Gathering Fee," addressed to the "Affiliated Name + Participant's Name" in Japanese.
  • Participants who have completed the registration process can also download their "Participation Certificates/Receipts" from their My Account.

Registration Certificates (Name Tags) and Receipts

  • Please note that name tags will not be provided at the venue. Attendees must print their "Participation Badge/Receipt"on A4 paper in color in advance and bring them to the conference.
  • A holder for the A6 size "Participation Certificates (Name Tag)" will be available at the conference reception.

Undergraduate students can visit for free by presenting their student ID at the conference reception desk in Yasuda Auditorium.
