Eligible Members can present their works.
Early Registration is necessary prior to Abstract Submission.

Abstract Submission
Friday, May 12th - Monday, June 5th (Oral) or Monday, June 12th (Poster), 2023

Eligibility for Submission

Only Full Members (Regular or Student Members) of the RNA Society of Japanese who have paid their Annual Membership Fees for the Fiscal Year 2023 can submit one Abstract as a Presenting Author. It is possible to be a co-author of multiple other presentations.

Early Registration is necessary prior to the Abstract Submission.

Best Presentation Awards
At the Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan, the Best Presentation Awards will be given to outstanding presentations by undergraduate and graduate students according to the following procedure.

  1. Outstanding presentations that account for up to 10% of the total number of presentations by undergraduate and graduate students will be selected as Excellent Research Awards by the Program Committee's evaluation. Among them, up to two individuals who have received special recognition will be awarded the top prize, the "AOBA Prize", and the Society will provide travel expenses for presenting their research at an international meeting during the period until the next year's Annual Meeting as a supplementary prize. 
  2. The awardees will be announced and recognized at the end of the Meeting, and their achievements will also be publicly announced on the Society and the Annual Meeting websites. 
  3. The AOBA Prize winners will present their research progress at the following year's Annual Meeting. They will also contribute an article about their experience presenting at an international meeting and their research to the Society's Newsletter.

All presentations (oral and poster) by undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. We are looking forward to seeing the enthusiastic presentations by undergraduate and graduate students who will lead RNA research in Japan. 

Template and Sample of Abstract (Word):

Abstract submission has been closed.