We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Kansai RNA Club as a platform for interaction among RNA researchers in the Kansai area. To mark this occasion, we are holding our first meeting on August 18th (Friday) at the Icho Hall on the Suita Campus of Osaka University. Our keynote speakers are Professor Masatoshi Hagiwara and Professor Hirohide Saito from Kyoto University. In addition, we have scheduled presentations from young and mid-career researchers in RNA-related laboratories in the Kansai area, covering a wide range of fields from basic research to drug discovery and disease research. The event is open to everyone, not just those in the Kansai area. We look forward to your participation.
Venue: Icho Hall, Osaka University, Hankyu Electric Railway & Sanwa Bank Hall
Date and Time: August 18, 2023 (Friday) 13:30-17:30 [Poster]
Best Research Presentations of the 24th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan were selected by the Program Committee and were awarded in the Ceremony on Friday, July 7th, 2023.
President of the RNA Society of Japan: Shinichi Nakagawa (Hokkaido University)
The 25th General Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan will be held on the first day of the 24rd Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan as follows. We hope many members will attend the meeting. If you are not able to attend the meeting, please send your proxy form from 「General Meeting Proxy」 in the "Members Only" menu that appears after you log in. The deadline is Wednesday, June 28. Proxies can only be submitted by Regular Members, Student Members, and Honorary Members who have already paid the current year's dues at the time of submission. You can check your membership status and payment history (login required for both) online. *Only online submission of proxy forms is accepted.
Registration remains open until before the meeting starts→Click here
Also, this conference is targeted by a program named after the late Dr. Kenichi Arai, and graduate students in Japan can participate for free! (Note: Food and accommodation expenses are not included for free. Once you register as a student, the amount reflecting the waived participation fee will automatically be presented.)
In the annual meeting of this year, as a Career Path Event, we will think about what the RNAJ Society Members are worried about and what they want, and what the Society should do to address these issues, as we enter a new post-corona stage. For this purpose, we will conduct a survey on the attitudes of the RNAJ Society members regarding career paths. We would appreciate your cooperation.
[The 24th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan Career Path Questionnaire] Purpose: Investigation of the awareness of the members of the RNAJ Society regarding career paths, for the enhancement of the future activities of the RNA Society of Japan. Conducted by: The 12th Annual Meeting of RNAJ Society Headquarters (Contact: Career Path Planning Secretary) Deadline: Sunday, June 25, 2023, 23:59pm Questionnaire Link
The 34th Tokyo RNA Club will be held on Saturday Tuesday, July 11, at Koshiba Hall, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo, in conjunction with the visit to Japan by Dr. Severine Chambeyron of the French CNRS.
The main theme is the molecular mechanisms related to the maintenance of reproductive abilities of hosts and transposons, not just limited to piRNA. It may be somewhat atypical for the Tokyo RNA Club, but it is filled with cutting-edge research topics. If you are interested, or if you want to delve into new themes, we strongly encourage you to participate!
Pre-participation registration: Deadline June 12th (Mon), 2023
Presentation topic registration: Deadline June 5th (Mon), 2023
The PDF file of the above poster can be downloaded from the "Information" page of the Annual Meeting website. Please feel free to print and display it in each research lab. There will be no distribution from the secretariat.
The weather in Okinawa in July is stable, and congestion due to tourists is expected. Those planning to participate, please arrange your transportation and accommodation early.
We look forward to the participation of many of you!
24th Annual Meeting of the Japan RNA Society, President Hidehito Kuroyanagi (University of the Ryukyus)
The President of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) has asked the President of the RNA Society of Japan to nominate a candidate for the above-mentioned award. The RNA Society of Japan will accept nominations for the award from the regular student members. Therefore, regular student members who wish to be recommended by the President of the RNA Society of Japan are requested to submit the following application documents after carefully reading the Guidelines for Recommending Candidates for the Award.The deadline for submission is Monday, May 8, 2012.